Santa Familia serves children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Lighthouse Ministries was introduced to Santa Familia in 2015 and continues to visit each year with a Vacation Bible School, with Deacon David often serving and preaching.

Lighthouse Ministries has made a big difference at Santa Familia with several important upgrades. They installed a new drainage system with gutters and pipes to stop the annual flooding, a new fence, a modern office for the principal and vice principal, including an air conditioner. New toilet bowls and all the necessary accessories were also installed.

Gutter's being installed
Gutter Instillation
Magnu, Assistant Vice Principal

Upgrades to the building include improved electrical systems with new cables, lights and ceiling fans to the classrooms. For the outdoor area, Lighthouse Ministries bought a new riding mower, built a gazebo and picnic tables. The playground got new slides, swings, and other equipment. To support learning and physical education, they provided sports gear and computers. Plus, they have covered the school’s electrical bill. Lighthouse Ministries is committed to helping Santa Familia be a better place for students and staff.